How to earn cryptocurrency for likes and retweets on Twitter

Honee crypto wallet users have the opportunity to receive cryptocurrency for supporting community posts on Twitter.

To do this:

  1. Log into your Honee wallet or create a new one;
  2. Then, in the "Earnings" section, find this card and follow the instructions.
How to earn cryptocurrency for likes and retweets on Twitter

You will be redirected to the Telegram bot, which hosts posts for likes and retweets from time to time. Depending on the number of your followers and the popularity of your Twitter account, the reward for likes and retweets may vary. The more popular the account, the higher the reward you can receive in BEE cryptocurrency.

It should be mentioned that we do not allow the creation of multi-accounts to receive rewards. If your account is new or has a small number of followers, the system may not allow your Twitter account to receive rewards.

How to earn cryptocurrency for likes and retweets on Twitter

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